Nodal API

In addition to our Tariff and Bill Calculation APIs, which calculate economics “behind the meter”, Clarity Grid maintains a full suite of wholesale locations and pricing for the 6 US ISOs for examination of “In Front of the Meter” economics.

These sets of data and analytics allow users to identify locations of physical generation or load-serving infrastructure on the Grid and compare pricing across time and locations. All nodal data is formatted logically based upon specific ISO protocols and includes data fields for pricing specific nodal/zonal/hub prices for energy and ancillary services.

Node Library

This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of price nodes by ISO. 

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_node_type_id Integer Type of price node; used for sorting. price_node_type_id“: 1,
node_type String

Identifies the type of price node, determined by the field:

1 – Load Point

2 – Unit

3 – Hub

4 – Load Zone

5 – Unknown

6 – Other

7 – Ancillary Service Zone

node_type“: “Load Point”,
latitude Float Latitude of the price node. latitude“: 29.52357,
longitude Float Longitude of the price node. longitude“: -96.0702,
address String Address of the price node. address“: “1038 College St, East Bernard, TX 77435”,
zipcode String Zip code of the price node. zipcode“: “77435”,
id Integer Unique, auto-increment Clarity Grid id of the price node. id“: 41837,
zone_cg_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the load zone that the price node is in; Used in the zone_cg_code field. zone_cg_id“: 488616,
hub_cg_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the hub; Used in the hub_cg_code field. hub_cg_id“: 0,
asz_cg_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id of the ancillary service zone; Used in the asz_cg_code field. asz_cg_id“: 0,
cg_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id of the price node; Used in the cg_code field. cg_id“: 678151,
cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code for the price node.  cg_code“: “CG_678151_L_ER”,
zone_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code for the load zone that the price node is in. zone_cg_code“: “CG_488616_Z_ER”,
hub_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code of a hub. hub_cg_code“: “”,
asz_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code for the ancillary service zone. asz_cg_code“: “”,
name String Common name of the price node’s substation. name“: “East Bernard”,
load_name String Name of the largest consumer closest to the physical substation. load_name“: “East Bernard Junior High School”,
original_codename String Original node codename from the Distributor/Utility. original_codename“: “EB_K”,
zone_original_codename String Original zone codename from the operator. zone_original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,
utility_eia_id Integer EIA id of the Distributor/Utility that the price node belongs to. utility_eia_id“: 8901,
utility_name String Name of the Distributor/Utility that the node’s substation belongs to. utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,
operator_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the ISO that the price node is in. operator_id“: 7,
fuel_type String

The kind of fuel a generation node uses to produce energy:

NG – Natural Gas

TH – Geothermal

N – Nuclear

B – Battery

BM – Bio-Mass

D – Distillates

H – Hydro

C – Coal

S – Solar

W – Wind

fuel_type“: “NA”,
zone_address String Address of the load zone that the price node is in. zone_address“: “901 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002”,
show_on_map Boolean Used by our map UI to see whether a node should be shown on our map. show_on_map“: true,
price_datetime String Most recent datetime of prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 09:25:18”,
zone_price Float Real-time rate at the load zone that the price node is in. zone_price“: 0.0148,
operator String Common name of the ISO that the price node is in.  operator“: “ERCOT”,
capacity String Interconnecting transmission line capacity (in kv). capacity“: “138 kv”,
zone String Load zone that the price node is in. zone“: “Houston”,
price Float Real-time rate at the price node for the most recent datetime. price“: 0.0117,
prevyear_average_dayahead_price Float Average day-ahead price for the previous year at the price node. prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0363,
nextday_average_dayahead_price Float Average day-ahead price for the next day at the price node. nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.028

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




        “show_on_map“: true,

        “zone_cg_id“: 488616,

        “operator_id“: 7,

        “price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 09:25:18”,

        “latitude“: 29.52357,

        “zone_price“: 0.0148,

        “prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0363,

        “operator“: “ERCOT”,

        “capacity“: “138 kv”,

        “asz_cg_id“: 0,

        “node_type“: “Load Point”,

        “price_node_type_id“: 1,

        “load_name“: “East Bernard Junior High School”,

        “zone“: “Houston”,

        “hub_cg_id“: 0,

        “price“: 0.0117,

        “utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,

        “id“: 41837,

        “fuel_type“: “NA”,

        “cg_code“: “CG_678151_L_ER”,

        “longitude“: -96.0702,

        “address“: “1038 College St, East Bernard, TX 77435”,

        “zone_address“: “901 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002”,

        “original_codename“: “EB_K”,

        “zone_original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,

        “hub_cg_code“: “”,

        “zipcode“: “77435”,

        “zone_cg_code“: “CG_488616_Z_ER”,

        “utility_eia_id“: 8901,

        “cg_id“: 678151,

        “asz_cg_code“: “”,

        “name“: “East Bernard”,

        “nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.028



Nodal Information

This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of price nodes by ISO and price node type. 

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_node_type_id Integer

Identifies the type of price node: 

1 – Load Point

2 – Unit

3 – Hub

4 – Load Zone

5 – Unknown

6 – Other

7 – Ancillary Service Zone

price_node_type_id“: 1,
latitude Float Latitude of the price node. latitude“: 29.52357,
longitude Float Longitude of the price node. longitude“: -96.0702,
address String Physical address of a price node. address“: “1038 College St, East Bernard, TX 77435”,
zipcode String Zip code that a price node is in. zipcode“: “77435”,
id Integer Unique, auto-increment Clarity Grid id for a price node. id“: 41837,
zone_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id of the Operator Zone that the price node is in. zone_id“: 111531,
hub_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id of the node’s hub (value is 0 when the node has no hub) hub_id“: 0,
asz_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for a price node’s ancillary service zone. asz_id“: 0,
cg_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the price node. cg_id“: 678151,
cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid code to identify a price node. cg_code“: “CG_678151_L_ER”,
utility_eia_id Integer Original id of the Distributor that a price node belongs to. utility_eia_id“: 8901,
utility_name String Distributor/Utility that a price node belongs to. utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,
operator_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid ID for the ISO that a price node is in. operator_id“: 7,
load_name String Name of the largest consumer closest to the physical substation. load_name“: “East Bernard Junior High School”,
original_codename String Original codename of the price node from the Distributor/Utility that the node belongs to. original_codename“: “EB_K”,
original_name String Original name of the price node from the Distributor/Utility that the node belongs to. original_name“: “East Bernard”,
show_on_map Boolean Used by our map UI to see whether a node should be shown on our map. show_on_map“: true,
capacity String Interconnecting transmission line capacity (in kv). capacity“: “138 kv”,
fuel_type String

The kind of fuel a generation node uses to produce energy:

NG – Natural Gas

TH – Geothermal

N – Nuclear

B – Battery

BM – Bio-Mass

D – Distillates

H – Hydro

C – Coal

S – Solar

W – Wind

fuel_type“: “NA”,
owner String Utility that owns the node. owner“: “”,
has_prices Boolean Whether or not a price node has day-ahead prices. has_prices“: true
is_location_valid Integer Reserved for future use. is_location_valid“: 0,
is_location_approved Integer Reserved for future use. is_location_approved“: 1,
is_approved Integer Reserved for future use. is_approved“: 1,
capacity_zone_id Integer Reserved for future use. capacity_zone_id“: 32,

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “capacity_zone_id“: 32,

    “show_on_map“: true,

    “operator_id“: 7,

    “latitude“: 29.52357,

    “capacity“: “138 kv”,

    “zone_id“: 111531,

    “price_node_type_id“: 1,

    “load_name“: “East Bernard Junior High School”,

    “utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,

    “id“: 41837,

    “fuel_type“: “NA”,

    “cg_code“: “CG_678151_L_ER”,

    “longitude“: -96.0702,

    “asz_id“: 0,

    “address“: “1038 College St, East Bernard, TX 77435”,

    “original_codename“: “EB_K”,

    “is_location_valid“: 0,

    “zipcode“: “77435”,

    “utility_eia_id“: 8901,

    “hub_id“: 0,

    “is_location_approved“: 1,

    “cg_id“: 678151,

    “original_name“: “East Bernard”,

    “is_approved“: 1,

    “has_prices“: true



Nodal Day-ahead Prices

This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of day-ahead prices at a specified price node and date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
D String Datetime of rate in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format D“: “2023-04-25 00:00:00”,
P Float Day-ahead price at the node for that datetime P“: 0.02231

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “D“: “2023-04-25 00:00:00”,

    “P“: 0.02231



    “D“: “2023-04-25 01:00:00”,

    “P“: 0.02035



    “D“: “2023-04-25 02:00:00”,

    “P“: 0.02058



Nodal Real-time Prices

This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of real-time prices at a specified price node and date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
D String Datetime of rate in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format D“: “2023-04-25 00:00:00”,
P Float Real-time price at the node for that datetime P“: 0.02158

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “D“: “2023-04-25 00:00:00”,

    “P“: 0.02158



    “D“: “2023-04-25 01:00:00”,

    “P“: 0.02261



    “D“: “2023-04-25 02:00:00”,

    “P“: 0.02045



Closest Nodes by Latitude and Longitude

This endpoint is used to find what price nodes are closest to a given latitude and longitude (and optionally, zip code and/or operator id).

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
id Integer Unique, auto-increment Clarity Grid id for a price node. id“: 43710,
type String Reserved for future use. type“: “PriceNode”,
original_name String Original name of the price node from the Distributor/Utility that the node belongs to. original_name“: “White Oak”,
original_codename String Original codename of the price node from the Distributor/Utility that the node belongs to. original_codename“: “WHITOK738045”,
node_type String

Identifies the type of price node, determined by the field:

1 – Load Point

2 – Unit

3 – Hub

4 – Load Zone

5 – Unknown

6 – Other

7 – Ancillary Service Zone

node_type“: “Load Point”,
latitude Float Latitude of the price node. latitude“: 29.81602000,
longitude Float Longitude of the price node. longitude“: -95.43587000,
address String Physical address of a price node. address“: “1905 W 34th St Houston, TX 77018”,
zipcode String Zip code that a price node is in. zipcode“: “77018”,
operator_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid ID for the ISO that a price node is in. operator_id“: 7,
price_node_type_id Integer

Identifies the type of price node: 

1 – Load Point

2 – Unit

3 – Hub

4 – Load Zone

5 – Unknown

6 – Other

7 – Ancillary Service Zone

price_node_type_id“: 1,
zone_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the load zone. zone_id“: 111531,
price Float Real-time rate at the price node for the most recent datetime. price“: 0.0252,
congestion_price Float Real-time congestion price at the price node. congestion_price“: 0.0000,
congestion_date String Datetime of congestion prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. congestion_date“: “”,
price_datetime String Most recent datetime of prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. price_datetime“: “2023-06-05 11:15:00”,
zone_price_datetime String Most recent datetime of prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. zone_price_datetime“: “2023-06-05 11:15:00”,
next_average_dayahead_price_datetime String Datetime of next average dayahead price at the node in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. nextday_average_dayahead_price_datetime“: “2023-06-05 23:00:00”,
zone_price Float Real-time rate at the load zone that the price node is in. zone_price“: 0.0252,
cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code for the price node. cg_code“: “CG_028259_L_ER”,
zone_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code for the load zone that the price node is in. zone_cg_code“: “CG_488616_Z_ER”,
zone_original_name String Original codename of the zone from the ISO/Operator. zone_original_name“: “Houston”,
zone_original_codename String Original zone codename from the operator. zone_original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,
prevyear_average_dayahead_price Float Average day-ahead price for the previous year at the price node. prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0362,
zone_prevyear_average_dayahead_price Float Previous year’s average day-ahead price for the load zone. zone_prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0000,
nextday_average_dayahead_price Float Average day-ahead price for the next day at the price node. nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0286,
zone_nextday_average_dayahead_price Float Next day’s average day-ahead price for the load zone. zone_nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0000,
owner String Utility that the price node belongs to. owner“: “null”,
capacity String Capacity of the price node. capacity“: “138 kv”,
capacity_value Float Reserved for future use. capacity_value“: 0.0000,
fuel_type String

The kind of fuel a Unit uses to produce energy:

NG – Natural Gas

TH – Geothermal

N – Nuclear

B – Battery

BM – Bio-Mass

D – Distillates

H – Hydro

C – Coal

S – Solar

W – Wind

fuel_type“: “NA”,
load_name String Name of the largest consumer closest to the physical substation. load_name“: “Physicians Center”,
utility_name String Common name of the Distributor/Utility that the price node belongs to. utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,
utility_eia_id Integer Eia id of the Distributor/Utility that the price node belongs to. utility_eia_id“: 8901,
hub_node_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the hub; Used in the hub_cg_code field. hub_node_id“: 0,
hub_original_name String Original name of the hub from the ISO/Operator that it’s in. hub_original_name“: “”,
hub_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code of a hub. hub_cg_code“: “”,
asz_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id of the ancillary service zone; Used in the asz_cg_code field. asz_id“: 0,
asz_original_name String Original name of the ancillary service zone from the ISO/Operator that it’s in.  asz_original_name“: “”,
asz_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code for the ancillary service zone. asz_cg_code“: “”

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




        “id“: 43710,

        “type“: “PriceNode”,

        “original_name“: “White Oak”,

        “original_codename“: “WHITOK738045”,

        “node_type“: “Load Point”,

        “latitude“: 29.81602000,

        “longitude“: -95.43587000,

        “address“: “1905 W 34th St Houston, TX 77018”,

        “zipcode“: “77018”,

        “operator_id“: 7,

        “price_node_type_id“: 1,

        “zone_id“: 111531,

        “price“: 0.0252,

        “congestion_price“: 0.0000,

        “congestion_date“: “”,

        “price_datetime“: “2023-06-05 11:15:00”,

        “zone_price_datetime“: “2023-06-05 11:15:00”,

        “nextday_average_dayahead_price_datetime“: “2023-06-05 23:00:00”,

        “zone_price“: 0.0252,

        “cg_code“: “CG_028259_L_ER”,

        “zone_cg_code“: “CG_488616_Z_ER”,

        “zone_original_name“: “Houston”,

        “zone_original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,

        “prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0362,

        “zone_prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0000,

        “nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0286,

        “zone_nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0000,

        “owner“: “null”,

        “capacity“: “138 kv”,

        “capacity_value“: 0.0000,

        “fuel_type“: “NA”,

        “load_name“: “Physicians Center”,

        “utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,

        “utility_eia_id“: 8901,

        “hub_node_id“: 0,

        “hub_original_name“: “”,

        “hub_cg_code“: “”,

        “asz_id“: 0,

        “asz_original_name“: “”,

        “asz_cg_code“: “”



NEISO Ancillaries

This endpoint is used to find specific NEISO ancillary service prices in a specified date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_datetime String Datetime of ancillary service prices. price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,
tmsr Float tmsr ancillary service rate. tmsr“: 0,
tmnsr Float tmnsr ancillary service rate. tmnsr“: 0,
tmor Float tmor ancillary service rate. tmor“: 0

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,

    “tmsr“: 0,

    “tmnsr“: 0,

    “tmor“: 0



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 01:00:00”,

    “tmsr“: 0,

    “tmnsr“: 0,

    “tmor“: 0



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 02:00:00”,

    “tmsr“: 0,

    “tmnsr“: 0,

    “tmor“: 0



NYISO Ancillaries

This endpoint is used to find specific NYISO ancillary service prices in a specified date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_datetime String Datetime of ancillary service prices. price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,
tmsr Float tmsr ancillary service rate. tmsr“: 0,
tmnsr Float tmnsr ancillary service rate. tmnsr“: 0,
oprsv Float oprsv ancillary service rate. oprsv“: 0,
regcap Float regcap ancillary service rate. regcap“: 3,
regmov Float regmov ancillary service rate. regmov“: 0.15

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,

    “tmsr“: 0,

    “tmnsr“: 0,

    “oprsv“: 0,

    “regcap“: 3,

    “regmov“: 0.15



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 01:00:00”,

    “tmsr“: 0,

    “tmnsr“: 0,

    “oprsv“: 0,

    “regcap“: 3,

    “regmov“: 0.15



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 02:00:00”,

    “tmsr“: 0,

    “tmnsr“: 0,

    “oprsv“: 0,

    “regcap“: 3,

    “regmov“: 0.15



PJM Ancillaries

This endpoint is used to find specific PJM ancillary service prices in a specified date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_datetime String Datetime of ancillary service prices. price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,
madnsr Float madnsr ancillary service rate. madnsr“: 19.49,
madsr Float madsr ancillary service rate. madsr“: 19.49,
rtonsr Float rtonsr ancillary service rate. rtonsr“: 19.49,
rtorc Float rtorc ancillary service rate. rtorc“: 76.87,
rtorp Float rtorp ancillary service rate. rtorp“: 0.81,
rtosr Float rtosr ancillary service rate. rtosr“: 19.49

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,

    “madnsr“: 19.49,

    “madsr“: 19.49,

    “rtonsr“: 19.49,

    “rtorc“: 76.87,

    “rtorp“: 0.81,

    “rtosr“: 19.49



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 01:00:00”,

    “madnsr“: 5.83,

    “madsr“: 5.83,

    “rtonsr“: 5.83,

    “rtorc“: 120.42,

    “rtorp“: 0.93,

    “rtosr“: 5.83



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 02:00:00”,

    “madnsr“: 0,

    “madsr“: 0,

    “rtonsr“: 0,

    “rtorc“: 16.36,

    “rtorp“: 0.93,

    “rtosr“: 0



MISO Ancillaries

This endpoint is used to find specific MISO ancillary service prices in a specified date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_datetime String Datetime of ancillary service prices. price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,
demregmcp Float demregmcp ancillary service rate. demregmcp“: 6.98,
demspinmcp Float demspinmcp ancillary service rate. demspinmcp“: 0.49,
demsuppmcp Float demsuppmcp ancillary service rate. demsuppmcp“: 0.2,
genregmcp Float genregmcp ancillary service rate. genregmcp“: 6.98,
genspinmcp Floast genspinmcp ancillary service rate. genregmcp“: 6.98,
gensuppmcp Float gensuppmcp ancillary service rate. gensuppmcp“: 0.2

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,

    “demregmcp“: 6.98,

    “demspinmcp“: 0.49,

    “demsuppmcp“: 0.2,

    “genregmcp“: 6.98,

    “genspinmcp“: 0.49,

    “gensuppmcp“: 0.2



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 01:00:00”,

    “demregmcp“: 6.74,

    “demspinmcp“: 2,

    “demsuppmcp“: 0.2,

    “genregmcp“: 6.74,

    “genspinmcp“: 2,

    “gensuppmcp“: 0.2



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 02:00:00”,

    “demregmcp“: 7.56,

    “demspinmcp“: 0.29,

    “demsuppmcp“: 0.2,

    “genregmcp“: 7.56,

    “genspinmcp“: 0.29,

    “gensuppmcp“: 0.2



CAISO Ancillaries

This endpoint is used to find specific CAISO ancillary service prices in a specified date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_datetime String Datetime of ancillary service prices. price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,
ns Float ns ancillary service rate. ns“: 0,
regdn Float regdn ancillary service rate. regdn“: 0.78,
rmd Float rmd ancillary service rate. rmd“: 0,
rmu Float rmu ancillary service rate. rmu“: 0,
regup Float regup ancillary service rate. regup“: 0,
spin Float spin ancillary service rate. spin“: 0

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,

    “ns“: 0,

    “regdn“: 0.78,

    “rmd“: 0,

    “rmu“: 0,

    “regup“: 0,

    “spin“: 0



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 01:00:00”,

    “ns“: 0,

    “regdn“: 0,

    “rmd“: 0,

    “rmu“: 0,

    “regup“: 0,

    “spin“: 0



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 02:00:00”,

    “ns“: 0,

    “regdn“: 0,

    “rmd“: 0,

    “rmu“: 0,

    “regup“: 0,

    “spin“: 0



SPP Ancillaries

This endpoint is used to find specific SPP ancillary service prices in a specified date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_datetime String Datetime of ancillary service prices. price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,
regup Float regup ancillary service rate. regup“: 5.99,
regdn Float regdn ancillary service rate. regdn“: 7.31,
spin Float spin ancillary service rate. spin“: 2.7,
supp Float supp ancillary service rate. supp“: 0.7

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 00:00:00”,

    “regup“: 5.99,

    “regdn“: 7.31,

    “spin“: 2.7,

    “supp“: 0.7



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 01:00:00”,

    “regup“: 5.72,

    “regdn“: 4.43,

    “spin“: 0.5,

    “supp“: 0.5



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-24 02:00:00”,

    “regup“: 5.77,

    “regdn“: 2.35,

    “spin“: 0.5,

    “supp“: 0.5



ERCOT Ancillaries

This endpoint is used to find specific ERCOT ancillary service prices in a specified date range.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
price_datetime String Datetime of ancillary service prices. price_datetime“: “2023-04-17 00:00:00”,
rrs Float rrs ancillary service rate. rrs“: 4.4,
regup Float regup ancillary service rate. regup“: 4.4,
regdn Float regdn ancillary service rate. regdn“: 6.99,
nspin Float nspin ancillary service rate. nspin“: 1.6

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-17 00:00:00”,

    “rrs“: 4.4,

    “regup“: 4.4,

    “regdn“: 6.99,

    “nspin“: 1.6



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-17 01:00:00”,

    “rrs“: 2.11,

    “regup“: 3.12,

    “regdn“: 4.12,

    “nspin“: 1.11



    “price_datetime“: “2023-04-17 02:00:00”,

    “rrs“: 1.7,

    “regup“: 2.09,

    “regdn“: 2.68,

    “nspin“: 1.04



Price Node Congestion

This endpoint is used to view congestion data for a price node.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
id Integer Unique, auto-increment Clarity Grid id of the price node. id“: 41837,
type String Reserved for future use. type“: “PriceNode”,
original_name String Original name of the price node from the Distributor/Utility that it belongs to. original_name“: “East Bernard”,
original_codename String Original codename of the price node from the Distributor/Utility that it belongs to. original_codename“: “EB_K”,
node_type String

Identifies the type of price node, determined by the field:

1 – Load Point

2 – Unit

3 – Hub

4 – Load Zone

5 – Unknown

6 – Other

7 – Ancillary Service Zone

node_type“: “Load Point”,
latitude Float Latitude of the price node. latitude“: 29.52357,
longitude Float Longitude of the price node. longitude“: -96.0702,
address String Address of the price node. address“: “1038 College St, East Bernard, TX 77435”,
zipcode String Zip code of the price node. zipcode“: “77435”,
operator_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id assigned to the ISO/Operator that the price node is in. operator_id“: 7,
price_node_type_id Integer Type of price node; used for sorting. price_node_type_id“: 1,
zone_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id assigned to the load zone that the price node is in. zone_id“: 111531,
price Float Real-time price at the price node. price“: 0.03,
congestion_price Float Real-time congestion price at the price node. congestion_price“: 0,
congestion_date String Datetime of congestion prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. congestion_date“: “2022-06-01 02:00:00”,
price_datetime String Datetime of prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 15:20:16”,
zone_price_datetime String Datetime of zone prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. zone_price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 15:20:16”,
nextday_average_dayahead_price_datetime String Datetime of next day average day-ahead prices in YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss format. nextday_average_dayahead_price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 23:00:00”,
zone_price Float Real-time price at the load zone that the price node is in. zone_price“: 0.0305,
cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code of the price node. cg_code“: “CG_678151_L_ER”,
zone_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code of the load zone. zone_cg_code“: “CG_488616_Z_ER”,
zone_original_name String Original name of the load zone from the ISO/Operator that it is in. zone_original_name“: “Houston”,
zone_original_codename String Original codename of the load zone from the ISO/Operator that it is in. zone_original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,
prevyear_average_dayahead_price Float Previous year’s average day-ahead price for the price node. prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0363,
zone_prevyear_average_dayahead_price Float Previous year’s average day-ahead price for the load zone. zone_prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0,
nextday_average_dayahead_price Float Next day’s average day-ahead price for the price node. nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.028,
zone_nextday_average_dayahead_price Float Next day’s average day-ahead price for the load zone. zone_nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0,
owner String Utility that the price node belongs to. owner“: “null”,
capacity String Capacity of the price node. capacity“: “138 kv”,
capacity_value Integer Reserved for future use. capacity_value“: 0,
fuel_type String

The kind of fuel a Unit uses to produce energy:

NG – Natural Gas

TH – Geothermal

N – Nuclear

B – Battery

BM – Bio-Mass

D – Distillates

H – Hydro

C – Coal

S – Solar

W – Wind

fuel_type“: “NA”,
load_name String Name of the largest consumer closest to the physical substation. load_name“: “East Bernard Junior High School”,
utility_name String Common name of the Distributor/Utility that the price node belongs to. utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,
utility_eia_id Integer Eia id of the Distributor/Utility that the price node belongs to. utility_eia_id“: 8901,
hub_node_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the hub; Used in the hub_cg_code field. hub_node_id“: 0,
hub_original_name String Original name of the hub from the ISO/Operator that it’s in. hub_original_name“: “”,
hub_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code of a hub. hub_cg_code“: “”,
asz_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id of the ancillary service zone; Used in the asz_cg_code field. asz_id“: 0,
asz_original_name String Original name of the ancillary service zone from the ISO/Operator that it’s in.  asz_original_name“: “”,
asz_cg_code String Unique Clarity Grid identifying code for the ancillary service zone. asz_cg_code“: “”

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.



        “id“: 41837,

        “type“: “PriceNode”,

        “original_name“: “East Bernard”,

        “original_codename“: “EB_K”,

        “node_type“: “Load Point”,

        “latitude“: 29.52357,

        “longitude“: -96.0702,

        “address“: “1038 College St, East Bernard, TX 77435”,

        “zipcode“: “77435”,

        “operator_id“: 7,

        “price_node_type_id“: 1,

        “zone_id“: 111531,

        “price“: 0.03,

        “congestion_price“: 0,

        “congestion_date“: “2022-06-01 02:00:00”,

        “price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 15:20:16”,

        “zone_price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 15:20:16”,

        “nextday_average_dayahead_price_datetime“: “2023-05-01 23:00:00”,

        “zone_price“: 0.0305,

        “cg_code“: “CG_678151_L_ER”,

        “zone_cg_code“: “CG_488616_Z_ER”,

        “zone_original_name“: “Houston”,

        “zone_original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,

        “prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0.0363,

        “zone_prevyear_average_dayahead_price“: 0,

        “nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0.028,

        “zone_nextday_average_dayahead_price“: 0,

        “owner“: “null”,

        “capacity“: “138 kv”,

        “capacity_value“: 0,

        “fuel_type“: “NA”,

        “load_name“: “East Bernard Junior High School”,

        “utility_name“: “CenterPoint Energy”,

        “utility_eia_id“: 8901,

        “hub_node_id“: 0,

        “hub_original_name“: “”,

        “hub_cg_code“: “”,

        “asz_id“: 0,

        “asz_original_name“: “”,

        “asz_cg_code“: “”



Operator Load Zones

This endpoint is used to view a list of load zones for a given Operator.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
zipcode String Zip code of the load zone. zipcode“: “77002”,
zone_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the load zone. zone_id“: 0,
address String Address of the load zone. address“: “901 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002”,
price_node_type_id Integer Type of price node; used for sorting. price_node_type_id“: 4,
load_points_count Integer Amount of load nodes in the zone. load_points_count“: 3908,
operator_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the ISO/Operator. operator_id“: 7,
original_name String Original name of the zone from the ISO/Operator. original_name“: “Houston”,
original_codename String Original codename of the zone from the ISO/Operator. original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,
latitude Float Latitude of the load zone. latitude“: 29.761242,
id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the load zone. id“: 111531,
longitude Float Longitude of the load zone. longitude“: -95.368386

Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.




        “zipcode“: “77002”,

        “zone_id“: 0,

        “address“: “901 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002”,

        “price_node_type_id“: 4,

        “load_points_count“: 3908,

        “operator_id“: 7,

        “original_name“: “Houston”,

        “original_codename“: “LZ_HOUSTON”,

        “latitude“: 29.761242,

        “id“: 111531,

        “longitude“: -95.368386




This endpoint is used to view a list of resources mapped to a particular gen node. 

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
operator_id Integer Unique Clarity Grid id for the ISO/Operator. operator_id“: 0,
price_node_id Integer Unique, auto-increment Clarity Grid id of the price node. price_node_id“: 123456,
resource_name String Name of the gen resource mapped to the price node. resource_name“: “RESOURCE”,
original_codename String Original node codename from the Distributor/Utility. original_codename“: “CODENAME”,
resource_type String Type of gen resource. resource_type“: “PWRSTR”,
capacity Float Capacity of the battery.  capacity“: 50.0,
duration Float Duration of battery discharge (in hours) duration“: 1.0,
capacity_mwh Float This is the battery capacity multiplied by the duration. capacity_mwh“: 50.0,
notes String Notes about the resource, including the technology type, provided by Clarity Grid. notes“: “Technology: Lithium-Ion”,
owner String Utility that owns the node. owner“: “OWNER”,
address String Physical address of a price node. address“: “ADDRESS”,
initial_charge Float Initial charge of battery when it came online. initial_charge“: 0.0,
online_date String Date that a resource came online. online_date“: “null”


Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.



        “operator_id“: 0,

        “price_node_id“: 123456,

        “resource_name“: “RESOURCE”,

        “original_codename“: “CODENAME”,

        “resource_type“: “PWRSTR”,

        “capacity“: 50.0,

        “duration“: 1.0,

        “capacity_mwh“: 50.0,

        “notes“: “Technology: Lithium-Ion”,

        “owner“: “OWNER”,

        “address“: “ADDRESS”,

        “initial_charge“: 0.0,

        “online_date“: “null”



60-Day Data

This endpoint is used to retrieve 60-day generation nodal data.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
ecrs_amt Float ecrs_amt“: 0.00,
real_power_consumption Float real_power_consumption“: 0.100000,
rrs_awarded Float rrs_awarded“: 0.00,
nonspin_awarded Float nonspin_awarded“: 0.00,
rtorpa Float rtorpa“: 0.00,
regup_mcpc Float regup_mcpc“: 0.00,
rt_base Float rt_base“: -2.08,
nospin_amt Float nospin_amt“: 0.00,
settlement_point_name String settlement_point_name“: “BYRDR_ES_ALL”,
hour Integer Hour of the data object. hour“: 0,
reg_up_amt Float reg_up_amt“: 0.00,
dam_fin_settlement_amt Float dam_fin_settlement_amt“: 0.00,
rt_price Float rt_price“: -2.08,
rtordpa Float rtordpa“: 0.00,
regup Float regup“: 0.000000,
fuel_type Float Type of fuel used by the gen node associated with the resource.  fuel_type“: “B”,
regdown_awarded Float regdown_awarded“: 0.00,
rrs_mcpc Float rrs_mcpc“: 0.00,
rrspfr_amt Float rrspfr_amt“: 0.00,
rt_lambda Float rt_lambda“: -2.8493,
rt_energy_amt Float rt_energy_amt“: 0.2080,
energy_settlement_point_price Float energy_settlement_point_price“: 10.31,
nonspin_mcpc Float nonspin_mcpc“: 0.00,
rowtype String rowtype“: “resource”,
tlmtr_net_output Float tlmtr_net_output“: 0.000000,
resource_type String Type of gen resource. resource_type“: “PWRSTR”,
reg_down_amt Float reg_down_amt“: 0.00,
charging_cost Float charging_cost“: -0.208000,
regdn Float regdn“: 0.000000,
awarded_quantity Float awarded_quantity“: 0.00,
ecrs_mcpc Float ecrs_mcpc“: 0.00,
rrs_amt Float rrs_amt“: 0.00,
regup_awarded Float regup_awarded“: 0.00,
delivery_date String Date of the data object. (Date is formatted as YYYY-mm-dd) delivery_date“: “2022-12-31”,
rrsffr_awarded Float rrsffr_awarded“: 0.000000,
rrs Float rrs“: 0.000000,
total_dam_amt Float total_dam_amt“: 0.00,
nsrs Float nsrs“: 0.000000,
rrsufr_amt Float rrsufr_amt“: 0.00,
rrsffr_amt Float rrsffr_amt“: 0.00,
price_node_id Integer Unique, auto-increment Clarity Grid id of the price node. price_node_id“: 221734,
rrspfr_awarded Float rrspfr_awarded“: 0.000000,
resource_name String Name of the gen resource mapped to the price node. resource_name“: “BYRDR_ES_BESS1”,
rrsufr_awarded Float rrsufr_awarded“: 0.000000,
ecrs_awarded Float ecrs_awarded“: 0.000000


Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.



        “ecrs_amt“: 0.00,

        “real_power_consumption“: 0.100000,

        “rrs_awarded“: 0.00,

        “nonspin_awarded“: 0.00,

        “rtorpa“: 0.00,

        “regup_mcpc“: 0.00,

        “rt_base“: -2.08,

        “nospin_amt“: 0.00,

        “settlement_point_name“: “BYRDR_ES_ALL”,

        “hour“: 0,

        “reg_up_amt“: 0.00,

        “dam_fin_settlement_amt“: 0.00,

        “rt_price“: -2.08,

        “rtordpa“: 0.00,

        “regdown_mcpc“: 0.00,

        “regup“: 0.000000,

        “fuel_type“: “B”,

        “regdown_awarded“: 0.00,

        “rrs_mcpc“: 0.00,

        “rrspfr_amt“: 0.00,

        “rt_lambda“: -2.8493,

        “rt_energy_amt“: 0.2080,

        “energy_settlement_point_price“: 10.31,

        “nonspin_mcpc“: 0.00,

        “rowtype“: “resource”,

        “tlmtr_net_output“: 0.000000,

        “resource_type“: “PWRSTR”,

        “reg_down_amt“: 0.00,

        “charging_cost“: -0.208000,

        “regdn“: 0.000000,

        “awarded_quantity“: 0.00,

        “ecrs_mcpc“: 0.00,

        “rrs_amt“: 0.00,

        “regup_awarded“: 0.00,

        “delivery_date“: “2022-12-31”,

        “rrsffr_awarded“: 0.000000,

        “rrs“: 0.000000,

        “total_dam_amt“: 0.00,

        “nsrs“: 0.000000,

        “rrsufr_amt“: 0.00,

        “rrsffr_amt“: 0.00,

        “price_node_id“: 221734,

        “rrspfr_awarded“: 0.000000,

        “resource_name“: “BYRDR_ES_BESS1”,

        “rrsufr_awarded“: 0.000000,

        “ecrs_awarded“: 0.000000



Apparent Power (MVA)

This endpoint is used to retrieve apparent power (MVA) data for a particular node.

Note: The following output has been heavily condensed, and is solely to show the data structure.

Field Name Data Type Description Example
D String Datetime of MVA data. (Datetime is formatted as YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS) D“: “2022-12-31 19:00:00”,
P Float Hourly apparent power (MVA) data for a node. P“: 21.10811769414224


Sample Response

Below is a sample of JSON data you may see returned from this endpoint.



        “D“: “2022-12-31 19:00:00”,

        “P“: 21.10811769414224

