Name | Data Type | Description |
notes | Collection | Collection of distributor notes |
distibutor_id | Integer | Internal ID of the distributor |
tariff_name | String | The name of the tariff |
effective_start_date | String | Applies to usage after this date |
customer_charge | Collection | Collection of Customer Charges |
energy_charge | Collection | Collection of Energy Charges |
consumption_profile_id | Integer | 1=Residential, 2=Commercial |
distribution_charge | Collection | Collection of Distribution Charges |
id | Integer | Internal tariff id |
distributor_tariff_detail_id | Integer | Id for this effective date/version |
revision_reason | String | Reason for this version |
Distributor notes
Name | Data Type | Description |
notes | String | The distributors description of the tariff |
research_url | String | http://url_link_to_distributors_documentation |
Customer Charges
Name | Data Type | Description |
range | Collection | Collection of charge ranges |
basis | String | See |
peak_interval | Integer | Reserved for future use |
Energy Charges
Name | Data Type | Description |
range | Collection | Collection of charge ranges |
basis | String | See |
Distribution Charges
Name | Data Type | Description |
components | Collection | Collection of charge components |
range | Collection | Collection of charge ranges |
basis | String | See |
Name | Data Type | Description |
cost | Float | Cost of the component |
label | String | Label of the component |
Name | Data Type | Description |
cost | Float | Cost of the tier |
blcfctr | Float | Charge block factor |
from | Integer | Tier starting value |
to | Integer | Tier ending value |
"notes": {
"notes": “” The distributors description of the tariff,
"research_url": "” http://url_link_to_distributors_documentation
"distributor_id": Internal ID of the distributor
"tariff_name": The name of the tariff
"effective_start_date": Applies to usage after this date
"customer_charge": [
"range": [ Range collections describe the tiers or blocks for charges amounts
"cost": 5.47,
"blcfctr": 0, Block factor
"from": 0 Range starting value
"basis": “” See
"peak_interval": Reserved for future use
"energy_charge": [
"range": [
"cost": 0.06, Cost of this tier
"from": 0 Range starting value
"basis": "kwh" See
"consumption_profile_id": 1, 1=Residential, 2=Commercial
"distribution_charge": [
"components": [
"price": 0.008439, Cost of this component
"label": "" Label of this component
"range": [
"cost": 0.037125, Cost of this tier
"from": 0 Range starting value
"basis": "kwh" See
"id": 2228, Internal tariff id
"distributor_tariff_detail_id": 10122, Id for this effective date / version
"revision_reason": "Effective Date" Reason for this version

rev 1.0 2023-02-13